
 Location: Weaver, Wisconsin, United States



 User Description: Clomid is a hormonal pill which is used for the purpose of conception in women. It is said to improve the chances of the mother to be to have a baby and hence, it is being used as a contraceptive for many women. One of the main reasons for women to go for this type of pill is to avoid the side effects associated with the use of hormonal pills and to have a baby. However, there are some things that you need to keep in mind before buying this product. The side effects of this pill are usually caused due to the side effects of the pill and thus, women should keep this in mind before taking the pill.Some of the side effects of this pill for different women can be very minor and it may take some time for the symptoms to disappear. But there are denna forskning who are not able to tolerate the side effects of clomid and they end up having the complications of the side effects. If you are one of those women who are not able to take the pill due to any reason, it is always best that you should talk to your doctor and ask for an alternative form of birth control. Some of the side effects of this pill include irregular menstrual cycles, breast tenderness, increased breast size and pain during sexual intercourse. Some of these side effects may be mild and the other may be very severe and may affect your health for the rest of your life. It is always better that you should take the doctor's advice before taking this pill.

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